The Granola Bar Scene from The Butterfly Effect

One day I manually, frame-by-frame, rotoscoped the Granola Bar Scene from The Butterfly Effect in CC Animate / Adobe Flash.

The result of 5 episodes of Mourning Streams, my daily Monday thru Friday 10AM PST live streaming show right here on the YouTubes. Watch me animate, draw, make dumb shit, listen to music (secret japanese spotify on lock) and fuck about daily. Catch up on all the art & tunes in my profile and subscribe to submit your own photos, your band’s music, tell me what to draw & more.

Mourning Streams is a daily Monday thru Friday streaming show. Let’s Draw & Animate Live and listen to curated conglomerate digital audio playlists. Sponsored by the American Council of Ravers, purveyors in ‘offensive Slow TV’.

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